%0 Journal Article %T Strong Earthquake Sequences in Greece during 2008-2014: Moment Tensor Inversions and Fault Plane Discrimination %A Alexandra Moshou %J Open Journal of Earthquake Research %P 323-348 %@ 2169-9631 %D 2020 %I Scientific Research Publishing %R 10.4236/ojer.2020.94019 %X As is well known, Greece has a significant number of earthquakes each year. ¦©n recent years, several earthquakes have occurred in Greece. For this scope, a methodology was used to determine the source parameters. This methodology is based on minimizing the difference between the observed and the synthetic waveforms, using the method Source Parameters Calculation¡ªSPCa [1]. The source parameters, using the proposed methodology, are calculated by comparing observed seismograms and synthetic by inverting data. The synthetics are calculated using the reflectivity method (Kennett, 1983) as implemented by Randall et al. (1994) for a given earth structure. This study includes inversion results for the strongest events that occurred in Greece from 2008 to 2014. For the same events calculated the main fault plane, using the method of Hypocenter Centroid-plot (HC-plot) [2] [3]. This methodology is a simple geometrical method based on the combination between the hypocentral position and the two possible fault planes. %K Synthetic Seismograms %K Moment Tensor Inversion %K Focal Mechanism %K Regional Data %K Nodal Planes %U http://www.scirp.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=101950