%0 Journal Article %T Pyrolytic Recycling of Carbon Fibers from Prepregs and Their Use in Polyamide Composites %A Stephan Schwarz %A Thomas H£¿ftberger %A Christoph Burgstaller %A Andreas Hackl %A Clemens Schwarzinger %J Open Journal of Composite Materials %P 92-105 %@ 2164-5655 %D 2020 %I Scientific Research Publishing %R 10.4236/ojcm.2020.104007 %X Carbon fibers composites are well-known as high tech materials but are also recognized as a problem after use as they have to be deposited in landfills. Pyrolysis is an attractive process for recycling carbon fibers from used composites as well as offcuts from prepregs. Pyrolysis of carbon fiber composite prepregs is carried out in a pilot plant with a single screw reactor. The pyrolysis products, carbon fibers and pyrolysis vapor are fully characterized. Variation of pyrolysis temperature is carried out to obtain carbon fibers with the best possible surface properties. In order to compare the mechanical properties of the recycled carbon fibers with virgin material, composite materials with polyamide are produced and their properties compared. %K Carbon Fibers Composites %K Mechanical Properties %U http://www.scirp.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=102061