%0 Journal Article %T Assimilating Dokdo: The Islets in Korean Everyday Life %A Br %A on Palmer Laura Whitefleet-Smith %J The ASIANetwork Exchange %D 2016 %R http://doi.org/10.16995/ane.111 %X Sovereignty over the Tokto Islets is heatedly contested between South Korea and Japan. The Korean government and citizenry have responded to this dispute by inserting the islets into their national collective memory in multifarious ways in an attempt to strengthen their nation¡¯s claim to Tokto. The islets are included in the material culture and public memory of the nation in ways that make them part of everyday life for millions of Koreans. Korea¡¯s claim to Tokto is currently taught in schools, presented in museums, found in popular songs, and exploited by businesses for profit. The deeper Tokto becomes entrenched in Korean society, the less likely a compromise can be reached with Japan over the islets. %U https://www.asianetworkexchange.org/articles/10.16995/ane.111/