%0 Journal Article %T Stage-specific modulation of antim邦llerian hormone promotes primate follicular development and oocyte maturation in the matrix-free three-dimensional culture - Fertility and Sterility %A Byung S. Park %A Fuhua Xu %A Jing Xu %A Maralee S. Lawson %A Shoukhrat M. Mitalipov %J Fertility and Sterility %D 2018 %R https://doi.org/10.1016/j.fertnstert.2018.07.006 %X To study whether follicular growth and oocyte maturation can be improved by antim邦llerian hormone (AMH) modulation at specific stages of follicular development. Primary and secondary follicles were cultured in a matrix-free system and were assigned to the control group and the group with AMH supplementation during the preantral stage and neutralizing AMH antibody addition during the antral stage. National primate research center. Adult, female rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta). None. Follicle survival, growth, steroid and paracrine factor production, and oocyte competence were evaluated. Follicles were assessed for expression of genes that are critical for gonadotropin signaling, cumulus cell glycolysis, and oocyte quality. Primary follicles formed ※organoids§ and developed to the antral stage in group culture. AMH exposure during the preantral stage increased organoid diameters. Oocytes from the AMH-treated organoids had greater diameters and matured to the metaphase II (MII) stage. Secondary follicles developed to the antral stage during individual culture. The AMH exposure during the preantral stage and AMH antibody treatment during the antral stage increased follicle diameters, vascular endothelial growth factor and follistatin production, differentiation factor 9 expression, and oocyte diameters. The MII oocytes from the AMH-modulated group developed to the morula stage after IVF, with one to the blastocyst stage. AMH supplementation at the preantral stage and depletion at the antral stage enhanced primate follicular development and oocyte competence in vitro. The improved embryonic development supports in vitro follicle maturation as a potential approach for fertility preservation. La modulaci車n estad赤o espec赤fica de la hormona antimulleriana promueve el desarrollo folicular y la maduraci車n de los ovocitos en un cultivo tridimensional libre de matriz en primates Estudiar si el crecimiento folicular y la maduraci車n ovocitaria pueden mejorar con la modulaci車n de la hormona Antim邦lleriana (HAM) en estadios espec赤ficos del desarrollo folicular. Fol赤culos primarios y secundarios fueron cultivados en un sistema libre de matriz, siendo asignados a un grupo control o a un grupo con suplementaci車n de HAM durante la fase preantral y adici車n de anticuerpo inhibidor de HAM durante la fase antral. Centro Nacional de Investigaci車n de Primates. Hembras adultas de Macacos Rhesus (Macaca mulatta). Ninguna. Se evalu車 la supervivencia y crecimiento folicular, la producci車n de factores esteroideos y paracrinos, as赤 como la competencia ovocitaria. Se estudi車 la %U https://www.fertstert.org/article/S0015-0282(18)30571-5/fulltext