%0 Journal Article %T Is International Law Really Law? %A Abdul Hamid Kwarteng %J Asian Research Journal of Arts & Social Sciences (ISSN: 2456-4761) %D 2018 %R 10.9734/ARJASS/2018/39608 %X There has been an ongoing and probably a never-ending debate on whether international law is really law. Thus, there exists a group of scholars who are of the view that international law is not a real law while another group of scholars on the other hand also argue that international law is real law. The article contributes to the existing literature on this argument by giving a different dimension to the argument. That is, the article situates the argument of whether international law is a real law or not, into the theory of Realism and Liberalism and by outlining the main arguments provided by the two schools of thought to support their respective views on the topic under discussion, an objective conclusion was drawn at the end. %U http://www.sciencedomain.org/abstract/23479