%0 Journal Article %T Phytochemical Studies, Antioxidant Properties and Development of Dye Indicator from Aspilia africana Leaves %A A. N. Okpogba %A C. C. Dike %A C. C. Ihem-Avoaja %A C. E. Ugwu %A C. O. Okonkwo %A H. C. C. Maduka %A P. N. Ogueche %J Journal Information: ISSN: Frequency: Journal DOI: Peer-review model: Digital Archiving: Journal of Applied Life Sciences International Disclaimer: %D 2018 %R 10.9734/JALSI/2018/42711 %X (1) Martin Koller, University of Graz, Research Management and Service, Institute of Chemistry, Austria. %U http://www.sciencedomain.org/abstract/25979