%0 Journal Article %T A Study on Effect of Sizing Bolt Hole in Single-Lap Connection Using FEA %A Anil Zafer %A Orkun Yilmaz %A Serkan Bekiro£żlu %J Journal Information: ISSN: Frequency: Journal DOI: Peer-review model: NAAS Score (2017): Digital Archiving: %D 2018 %R 10.9734/JSRR/2018/40498 %X In this study, bolted tension members connected with pretensioned bolts are investigated by using ANSYS 18.2 finite element analysis software. The effects of pretension, increasing bolt hole size and contact sizing density are examined. In the analyses, non-linear behaviors for materials, geometry, and contacts are taken into account. Prepared models are compared regarding equivalent (von-Mises) stress, equivalent (von-Mises) plastic strain, tension forces and bolt shear forces. It is worth to say that less gap than 1 mm between bolt hole and bolt can create stress concentration in the bolt. The increasing gap causes to decrease tension force capacity or axial rigidity. Moreover, it is observed that the maximum shear forces in bolts take place on the middle bolts. %U http://www.sciencedomain.org/abstract/24292