%0 Journal Article %T Impacts of 10 Weeks Interval and Continuous Exercise Training on Selected Anthropometric, Cardiovascular and Metabolic Indicators of Overweight and Obese Females %A J. C. Igweh %A O. M. Odigie %A R. A. Adedoyin %A R. E. Ubom %A R. N. Ativie %A R. N. Ossai %A T. O. Awotidebe %J Journal Information: ISSN: Frequency: Journal DOI: Peer-review model: Digital Archiving: Journal of Applied Life Sciences International Disclaimer: %D 2018 %R 10.9734/JALSI/2018/39891 %X Editor(s): %U http://www.sciencedomain.org/abstract/23664