%0 Journal Article %T Active Bleeding in Uremic Patients after Temporary Catheter Implantation: A Case Report and Literature Review | Insight Medical Publishing %A Chien-Wen Chen %A Chu-Lin Chou %A Hin-Pin Chen %A Szu-Shan Fan %A Xing-Jia Liu %J Related Journals of Diabetes Case Repors %D 2018 %R 10.21767/2471-8041.S1-005 %X Patients with uremia often develop bleeding diatheses at cutaneous or incisional sites, intra-abdominal or intracranial hemorrhages. We report active bleeding in a uremic patient after she received a temporary catheter for hemodialysis therapy. Active bleeding was considered to be due to platelet dysfunction, diagnosed by prolonged skin bleeding time. Her spontaneous bleeding gradually vanished after receiving blood transfusions with cryoprecipitate. The assessment of skin bleeding time in uremic patients with active bleeding is a crucial step to identify platelet dysfunction. %U http://medical-case-reports.imedpub.com/active-bleeding-in-uremic-patients-after-temporary-catheter-implantation-acase-report-and-literature-review.php?aid=23316