%0 Journal Article %T Prune Belly Syndrome: Incomplete Clinical Triad | Insight Medical Publishing %A Cusumano C %A Merdrignac A %A Sulpice L %J Related Journals of Diabetes Case Repors %D 2018 %R 10.21767/2471-8041.100093 %X During the pregnancy of a caucasic woman, were detected polyhydramnios, omphalocele and pyelectasis. The karyotype was normal and both parents were not non-consanguineous. The baby was delivered vaginally at 37+5/7 weeks of gestational age. Apgar score was 5I and 6V while body weight, length and head circumference were 3000 gr, 48 cm and 34 cm, respectively. %U http://medical-case-reports.imedpub.com/prune-belly-syndrome-incomplete-clinical-triad.php?aid=22400