%0 Journal Article %T Recycling of Post-Consumer Goods Considering New Approaches on Polymer Identification | Insight Medical Publishing %A Dimonie D %A Doncea S %A Grigore ME %A Ladaniuc M %A Simona-Florentina P %A Stoica R %J Journal Impact factor: %D 2018 %R 10.4172/2471-9935.100029 %X The paper reveals as novelty that, in view of mechanical recycling, the identification of polymer from blends melt processed as various goods, must considered combined methods for determine those physical properties which highlight the main differences between the thermoplastic polymers. The FTIR and DSC analyzes associated with measuring the density and melt flow index of materials, proved to be a good method to identify the polyolefins from blends which were melt processed as films for food packages. The DSC thermogrames must be recorded after removing the material¡¯s thermal history which changes the thermal behavior of each polymer. %U http://polymerscience.imedpub.com/recycling-of-postconsumer-goods-considering-new-approaches-on-polymer-identification.php?aid=22405