%0 Journal Article %T Anti-N-Methyl-D-Aspartate Receptor Encephalitis in a Young Woman with Ovarian Teratoma | Insight Medical Publishing %A Antonella De Virgilio %A Enrico Busato %A Giulia Magoga %A Giuseppa Corrao %A Irene Pascoli %J Related Journals of Diabetes Case Repors %D 2018 %R 10.21767/2471-8041.100115 %X Background: Anti-N-Methyl-D-Aspartate (NMDA) Receptor encephalitis is a common cause of autoimmune encephalitis, usually associated with ovarian teratoma, especially in young women. It¡¯s important to recognize quickly this type of encephalitis in order to give the patient the better chance to recover. Case: We report a typical case of anti-NMDA encephalitis associated to ovarian dermoid in a young woman. Neurological assessment revealed the presence of anti- NMDA autoantibodies in cerebrospinal fluid and TC abdomen revealed the presence of an ovarian dermoid. Surgery to remove the mass was performed and immunotherapy was started. Now she¡¯s doing well, and she only has a little memory deficit. Conclusion: Ovarian dermoid is common, instead enchephatis is a rare entity, so further investigations is needed to know more about this specific type of ovarian dermoid. %U http://medical-case-reports.imedpub.com/antinmethyldaspartate-receptor-encephalitis-in-a-young-woman-withovarian-teratoma.php?aid=23523