%0 Journal Article %T Receptive Language Skills among Younger, Adolescent, and Adults with Down Syndrome: The Use of the Growth-Scale- Vocabulary as a Measure | Insight Medical Publishing %A Thomas L. Layton %J Journal Impact Factor: %D 2018 %R 10.4172/2472-1786.100078 %X Individuals with Down syndrome (DS) demonstrate strength in receptive vocabulary. Most investigators, however, have used either standard scores or age equivalent scores to compare groups with DS. The current study reports on the use of the PPVT. Growth-Scale-Vocabulary scores as a measure of comparison. Three groups of individuals with DS were compared on their PPVT GSV scores as well as on the Oral Written Language Scale (OWLS) and Listening Comprehension Scale. Findings indicated the adolescent group of individuals with DS had higher GSV scores than did either the younger age group or the adult group. Furthermore, the PPVT GSV scores and the OWLS raw scores were not different across the three age groups. Vocabulary comprehension is the strength among individuals with down syndrome. %U http://childhood-developmental-disorders.imedpub.com/receptive-language-skills-among-younger-adolescent-and-adults-with-down-syndrome-the-use-of-the-growthscalevocabulary-as-a-measure.php?aid=23676