%0 Journal Article %T 议程设置50年: 新媒体环境下议程设置理论的发展与转向 ——议程设置奠基人马克斯韦尔·麦库姆斯、唐 纳德·肖与大卫·韦弗教授访谈
50th Anniversary of Agenda-Setting Theory: New Development and Transfer in New Media Environment : Interview with Prof. Maxwell McCombs, Prof. Donald Shaw, and Prof. David Weaver %A 赵蕾 %J 国际新闻界 %D 2019 %X 摘要 自1968年“教堂山镇研究”至今,议程设置理论已经经历了五十年的发展与检验。 面对新媒体环境的挑战,议程设置理论由第一层与第二层扩充与发展至第三层网络议程 设置,本文专访麦库姆斯、肖与大卫·韦弗三位教授,涉及当下议程设置研究状态,主 要包括议程设置理论如何面对新媒体环境、受众行为与受众心理三个方面。在新媒体环 境下,议程设置理论的发展仍遵循“显要性的转移”这一核心概念;网络分析方法与心 理学研究方法成为理论发展的动力;该理论在跨文化语境下依旧具有理论和应用价值。
Since 1968 Chapel Hill Study, agenda-setting theory has experienced ffty-year development and stood the tests. Faced with the challenge of new media environment, agenda-setting theory has expanded its domain from 1st level, 2nd level to 3rd level - network agenda-setting. This interview with Prof. Maxwell McCombs, Prof. Donald Shaw, and Prof. David Weaver discussed the current research and mainly focuses on three aspects: agenda-setting theory in new media environment, audience action and audience psychology. In new media environment, the core concept of agenda-setting theory - transfer of salience is still essential. Meanwhile, network analysis and psychological methods provide inspiration for theorectical development. In intercultural context, agenda-setting theory still has theoretical and practical values %K 网络议程设置 %K 显要性 %K 导向需求 %K 格式塔 %K 跨文化应用
Network agenda setting %K Salience %K Need for orientation %K Gestalt %K Intercultural application %U http://cjjc.ruc.edu.cn/CN/abstract/abstract868.shtml