%0 Journal Article %T 思想史视野下的新闻观念研究
Research on the News Concept from the Perspective of the History of Thought %A 姜红 %A 开薪悦 %J 国际新闻界 %D 2019 %X 摘要 与“纯粹”的历史研究相比,思想史或观念史的研究更容易发现问题。西方形成了 以“内在的或固有的观念史”观、“情(语)境论的研究”(contextualist approach)的 思想史观,以及试图综合内在与外在的“人与观念”(men and ideas)的史观三种主流 研究范式,而国内学者对新闻思想中的现代观念和报刊观念的研究也已取得重要开掘和 成果。对于中国新闻观念的书写来说,具备跨学科意识、情境化理解、当代视野和本土 立场,同时开展多元对话,避免观念先行,或是方法论上的新突破。
Compared with the “pure” historical researches, the study of the history of ideas or thought are easier to fnd problems. Western scholars have explored three mainstream research paradigms: “the internal or inherent concept of history”, “the contextualist approach concept of history”and “the men and ideas integrating internal and external concept of history”.Domestic scholars have also made great explorations and achievements on the study of modern concepts and News concepts in journalism thought.As for the writing of Chinese News concept, it should be a new breakthroughs in methodology to have interdisciplinary consciousness, contextualized interpretation, contemporary perspective and local standpoint, while developing multiple dialogues and avoiding concept beforehand %K 观念史 %K 思想史 %K 新闻观念 %K 方法论
History of ideas %K History of thought %K News concept %K Methodology %U http://cjjc.ruc.edu.cn/CN/abstract/abstract870.shtml