%0 Journal Article %T 基于微信公众号的健康传播效果评价指标体系研究
Research on the Evaluation Index System for Effect of Health Communication based on WeChat Offcial Accounts %A 匡文波 %A 武晓立 %J 国际新闻界 %D 2019 %X 摘要 微信已是人们获取信息的主要途径之一;亦是健康传播的主要渠道。本文以健康 类微信公众号为例,在分析新媒体环境下已有健康传播、科学传播效果评价指标的 基础上,新建立了基于微信公众号的健康传播效果的评价指标体系;并且从传播广度 和传播深度两个维度,定性和定量地分析了影响其传播效果的因素。研究发现,粉丝 规模、文章发布位置、话题选择、多媒体使用、趣味度是影响健康传播效果的主要因 素。其中,文章位置与多媒体使用情况分别在传播广度与传播深度方面有显著影响。
WeChat is a main way for Chinese information acquirement and health communication. The thesis discusses and found an evaluation index system based WeChat health communication offcial accounts. The authors qualitatively and quantitatively measure the communication effects from spread breadth and depth. The authors found that fans scale, position of papers, topic choice, the usage of multimedia, interest degree, are the influence factors for health communication effects. Among them, the position of papers and the usage of multimedia are signifcantly affect the spread of dissemination and depth of communication %K 传播效果 %K 健康传播 %K 微信公众号 %K 评价指标体系
Communication effects %K Health communication %K WeChat Official Accounts %K Evaluation Index System %U http://cjjc.ruc.edu.cn/CN/abstract/abstract873.shtml