%0 Journal Article %T Exceptional importance of the test site/in-situ data integrated into satellite information in earth observation %A Rustam B. Rustamov %A Sabina N. Hasanova %J International Journal of Physical Sciences %D 2014 %X Space information transferred into spatial data (data referenced to the known coordinate system in the selected geographic area titled as monument) has a significant contribution in Earth observation. It creates a possibility of collected information to be integrated from different sources and disciplines for a variety of applications. The main problem of an appropriate information collection relates to the data gaps and absence making incompatible data sets due to varying data needs, standards, undefined quality and barriers to sharing, accessing and using of data. For instance, data gap can arise for the reason of existing eliminations of the access to the investigated area. It makes impossible to conduct field investigations and measurements for further data integration which is necessary in data processing stage of space technology application. Remote sensing is an important source of information for a large number of Earth sciences and application fields. Data acquisition technologies and information extraction methods are pushed to give shift to user-oriented approaches where quantitative and reliable assessments, trend evaluations and forecasts are demanded. Success of this achievement depends on successful use of multilevel data collected from space-borne and field observation systems. It is necessary to optimize the infrastructure for data acquisition and analyzing, effective data processing and integration with further use for decision making. There should be an option of optimization contents of adequate instrumentation and better timing and coordination in information collection and management %K Space technology %K test site %K ground-based measurement. %U http://www.academeresearchjournals.org/journal/ijps/archive/march-2014-vol.-2(3)/exceptional-importance-of-the-test-site-in-situ-data-integrated-into-satellite-information-in-earth-observation