%0 Journal Article %T Full Length Research Paper %A Mehmet Mendes %A Soner Y igit %J International Journal of Agricultural Science Research %D 2017 %X It is quite important to take into account the practical significance along with the statistical significance since the presence of statistically significant differences between the group means don't show that these differences are also practically significant. Similarly, the statistically non-significant differences do not mean that they are not practically significant too. That is why; evaluating statistical and practical significances simultaneously, particularly in applied sciences based studies would be a great advantage for the researchers. In this study, it is focused on how benefit could be derived from Analysis of Mean (ANOM) Technique while evaluating both the statistical as well as the practical significances of the results related to animal science based studies along with their effect in size and measurements. Three data sets which were obtained from an experiment to investigate the effect of different feed restriction regimes were used as material. The obtained results of ANOM technique showed that any statistical significant difference was not found among the feed restriction groups in terms of dry matter, acidity, and fat percentage. However, both ANOM and Epsilon effect size measure showed that although differences in the groups in terms of fat percentage in chest meat were not found as statistically significant (P=0.058), these differences may be practically significant. As a result, observed differences among the groups in terms of fat percentage may be considered practically significant %K ANOM %K practical significance %K statistical significance %K effect size measure %U http://www.academeresearchjournals.org/journal/ijasr/archive/march-2017-vol.-6(1)/anom-technique-for-evaluating-practical-significance-of-observed-difference-among-treatment-groups