%0 Journal Article %T Aetiology and Management of Epistaxis - A Prospective Clinical Study SciDoc Publishers | Open Access | Science Journals | Media Partners %A Raghuvanshi S %A Bhadouriya SS %J Clinical & Experimental Otolaryngology (IJCEO) %D 2018 %R http://dx.doi.org/10.19070/2572-732X-160005 %X Figure 2 Shows maximum number of patients presented with epistaxis in the month of June (16 cases), followed by the month of March (11 cases) and October (10 cases) respectively %K Epistaxis %K Aetiology %K Trauma %K Hypertension %K Idiopathic %K Nasal packing. %U https://scidoc.org/IJCEO-2572-732X-02-301.php