%0 Journal Article %T Description of Chaperone Protein or Q9PEQ0 (HTPG_XYLFA)in Xylella Fastidiosa Organism SciDoc Publishers | Open Access | Science Journals | Media Partners %A Reza Pashaei %J Genomics, Proteomics, Metabolomics & Bioinformatics (IJGPMB) %D 2018 %R http://dx.doi.org/10.19070/2577-4336-160003 %X Abstract Xylella fastidiosa is a fastidious, xylem-limited bacterium that causes a range of economically important plant diseases and Chaperone proteinor Q9PEQ0 is Xylella Fastidiosa organism that this article intends to know this protein three dimensional image. This research defines the information about Xylella Fastidiosa bacterium and homology image for UniProtKB - Q9PEQ0 (HTPG_XYLFA) or Chaperone protein HtpG with help of biology sites such as BLAST and Jpred4 which are relevant to PDB file of UniProt site. On the other hand, Pymol software utilized for showing the 3D image of this proteinnamely Chaperone protein with choosing the Zinc-83296662 for obtaining the Vina result after that, getting the FTMap result. The aim of this article is showing the three dimensional image of Chaperone protein in Pymol software, illustrates the result of processes that help to describe the Chaperone protein structure. Besides, compare the vina Pymol result and FTMap result. This article explain BLAST, Jpred4, and FTMap methods with help of Pymol software %K n/a %U https://scidoc.org/IJGPMB-2577-4336-01-301.php