%0 Journal Article %T Stochastic Mathematical Models of Carcinogenesis SciDoc Publishers | Open Access | Science Journals | Media Partners %A Wai-Yuan Tan %J Cancer Studies & Research (IJCR) %D 2018 %R http://dx.doi.org/10.19070/2167-9118-120001e %X Based on the above and many other molecular and genetic £¿ndings (Weinberg, 2007),this short note calls for the development of stochastic mathematical models for human pediatric and adult cancers. To conclude, we quote Weinberg (2007, Page 794. The Biology of Cancer. Garland Sciences, Taylor and Frances, New York): ¡± Image a day¨Cstill years away¨Cwhen the biological responses of various human cells, normal and malignant, can be predicted by mathematical models of these cells and their internal circuits. Such advances will render many current practices in experimental biology, including many steps of drug development, unnecessary. If this even becomes possible, drug development will be more a matter of dry bioinformatics than wet biology at the laboratory bench. %K n/a %U https://scidoc.org/IJCR-2167-9118-01-001e.php