%0 Journal Article %T RISORGIMENTO E MODERNIT¨¤ DAI CONGRESSI DEGLI SCIENZIATI ALLE ESPOSIZIONI POSTUNITARIE | Istituto Lombardo - Accademia di Scienze e Lettere - Incontri di Studio %A Carlo G. Lacaita %J Istituto Lombardo - Accademia di Scienze e Lettere - Incontri di Studio %D 1881 %R https://doi.org/10.4081/incontri.2016.259 %X During the 19. Century both the scientific congresses and the industrial exhibitions contributed to the collective consciousness-raising of the changes due to the technical-scientific progress and the diffusion of the industrialization and modernization in wider terms. This paper analyzes the connection, both before than after 1861, between these aspects of modernity and the Risorgimento movement, and highlights how, together with the unity and political indipendence of the country, the men of Risorgimento pursued the integration of Italy in the ˇ°modern civilizationˇ± and its active participation to the big ˇ°progresses of the centuryˇ± %K 81 PDF: 78 %U http://www.ilasl.org/index.php/Incontri/article/view/259