%0 Journal Article %T CATTANEO ILLUMINISTA | Istituto Lombardo - Accademia di Scienze e Lettere - Incontri di Studio %A Gianni Francioni %J Istituto Lombardo - Accademia di Scienze e Lettere - Incontri di Studio %D -1 %R https://doi.org/10.4081/incontri.2018.347 %X Carlo Cattaneo came to know Giambattista Vico*s writings 每 that were toshape his education 每 through his master Giandomenico Romagnosi. The Neapolitanphilosopher*s thought had been known to Lombard intellectuals at least since the 1760sbut it spread enormously when the Republicans fleeing Naples arrived in Milan andsupported a reading of Vico side by side the Lombard Lumi, starting from the themeof civilized development and the laws supporting it. Following on from Romagnosi,Cattaneo devoted a steady interest 每 certainly stronger than any he had devoted to otherphilosophers, whether Italian or foreign 每 in the Neapolitan thinker through his wholetheoretical production. Cattaneo strove to develop the most promising aspects of Vico*sthought, even though he was aware of its historical limitations 每 that for certain aspectsfell behind even his own times 每 and therefore of its distance from the Enlightenment,especially the Lombard Enlightenment, whose legacy he claimed to himself %K 48 PDF: 33 %U http://www.ilasl.org/index.php/Incontri/article/view/347