%0 Journal Article %T CROP ESTABLISHMENT METHODS AND NITROGEN MANAGEMENT IN ORGANICALLY GROWN SCENTED RICE (ORYZA SATIVA)- VEGETABLE PEA (PISUM SATIVUM) RELAY CROPPING SYSTEM %A P.BHARALI %A THAKURIA %A K. %J BioInfo Publication %D 2019 %X A field experiment on a local scented rice var. ¡®Kola joha¡¯ was carried out under rainfed condition in the organic block located at the Instructional-cum Research Farm of Assam Agricultural University, Jorhat during kharif and rabi seasons of 2016-17 to study the effects of different crop establishment methods and nitrogen management practices through organic sources in scented rice-pea relay cropping system. Results revealed that almost all the growth and yield attributes as well as grain and straw yields of rice were recorded highest when transplanting was done with 60 (30+30) days old double planted seedlings. The total uptake (grain + straw) of N, P and K by rice crop was significantly higher with the same crop establishment method over the other methods. Most of the yield attributes, yield of green pods and stover as well as uptake of nutrients by pea sown as relay with rice were not influenced significantly due to different crop establishment methods. Among the nitrogen management practices application of 100% recommended dose of nitrogen (RDN) through FYM equivalent to 20 kg N/ha produced the highest grain and straw yields. The total rice grain equivalent yield, net returns and benefit-cost ratio were recorded highest when transplanting was done with 60 (30+30) days double planted seedlings and 100% RDN applied through FYM in scented rice. A slight grain in residual soil N and K2O but loss in P2O5 were obtained in all the crop establishment methods and nitrogen management practices at the end of the experiment %U https://bioinfopublication.org/viewhtml.php?artid=BIA0004754