%0 Journal Article %T PROFILE CHARACTERISTICS OF BTMs AND ATMs WORKING UNDER CSS£¿ ATMA IN ASSAM %A MISHRA %A P. %A REDDY %A S.K. %J BioInfo Publication %D 2019 %X The study was conducted in fourteen districts of Centrally Sponsored Scheme Agricultural Technology Management Agency (CSS-ATMA) at Assam Agricultural University, Jorhat with a sample size of 120. In these 120 members, 60 were BTM & 60 were ATM. The main findings of the study were, majority of the BTMs and ATMs belonged to medium age group with a mean of 32.66 and 30.58 respectively. The majority of the BTMs and ATMs have medium level of service experience with a mean of 6.20 and 4.56 respectively. In case of other independent variables like Perceived organizational support, job involvement, achievement motivation, job satisfaction also majority of the respondents belongs to medium level. In case of independent variables like perceived work environment mean is 12.73 and 11.33 for BTM and ATM respectively. In case of attitude towards extension work the mean is 23.01 and 18.73 for BTM and ATM respectively %U https://bioinfopublication.org/viewhtml.php?artid=BIA0004937