%0 Journal Article %T A REVIEW ON POTATO (Solanum tuberosum L.) AND ITS GENETIC DIVERSITY %A CHAKROBORTY %A M. %A DUTTA %A P. %A HIJAM %A L. %A MANDAL %A R. %A REDDY %A B.J. %J BioInfo Publication %D 2018 %X Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) is an annual herbaceous, cross-pollinated species. Potato belongs to family solanaceae and the genus Solanum with a basic set of 12 chromosomes (x = 12). It is used as vegetable and in industries for manufacturing starch, alcoholic beverages and other processed products like French fries, chips etc. Afresh potato contains 16-20% carbohydrates 2.5-3.2% crude protein. Even though potato contains little amount of protein, nutritional quality of potato is better than cereals. Potato has potential to produce more calories and protein per unit land area with little time and water than most of the major food crops. Therefore, understanding its genetic diversity is important for the improvement of this crop and as well as for effective utilization of germplasm. Diversity analysis based on molecular characterization is better than morphological characterization as it is highly influenced by the environment. Hence, in-depth studies based on both morphological and molecular markers will help in better understanding the genetic diversity of potato germplasm %U https://bioinfopublication.org/viewhtml.php?artid=BIA0003974