%0 Journal Article %T POST HARVEST DIPPING TREATMENTS ON STORAGE BEHAVIOR OF MANGO (VARIETY- CHHATTISGARH NANDIRAJ) FRUIT UNDER AMBIENT CONDITION %A SETH %A P. %A SINGH %A J. %J BioInfo Publication %D 2019 %X A study was carried out to evaluate storage behavior of mango fruit, to increase the storability and to minimize the post harvest losses in mango fruit variety- Chhattisgarh Nandiraj, under the influence of five dipping treatments and after treatment number of marketable and unmarketable ripe mango fruit, colour, TSS, acidity, ascorbic acid, total sugar, PLW, storabilitywas observed. Matured freshly harvested mango fruits of uniform size were treated with different treatments as post harvest dips for 10 minutes. The result on individual effects of the treatments indicated that mango fruits dipping in adusha leaf extract 5% (D4) were found superior with significantly high number of marketable fruit, longer storability, lower physiological loss in weight and higher firmness of fruits, excellent organoleptic rating, the treatment was also promising for slower increase inTSS, while slower decrease in ascorbic acid and acidity during storage %U https://bioinfopublication.org/viewhtml.php?artid=BIA0004966