%0 Journal Article %T QUANTITATIVE GENETIC PARAMETERS STUDIED ON GROWTH AND BIOMASS TRAITS IN WILLOWS %A ANAND %A R.K. %A HUSE %A S.A. %A SHARMA %A J.P. %A SINGH %A N.B. %J BioInfo Publication %D 2018 %X Quantitative genetic parameters viz; variability, heritability, genetic gain and genetic correlation were studied on growth characteristics of willow (Salix spp.) viz., height (cm), collar diameter (mm), volume index, number of branches, number of nodes, internodal length (cm), leaf display (days), leaf area (sq. cm) and biomass parameters viz., fresh weight of shoot (g), dry weight of shoot (g), fresh weight of root (g), dry weight of root (g) and total dry biomass (g). All the growth and biomass traits showed wide ranges of values indicating the extent of variation existing in the clones. The phenotypic coefficient of variation was higher than the genotypic coefficient of variation for all the growth parameters. High heritability was recorded for height (0.958 %), collar diameter (0.927 %), volume index (0.906 %), leaf area (0.949 %), leaf display days (0.961 %) and number of branches (0.960 %). Genetic gain showed wide range (20.64% to 164.74%). This shows scope for improvement for these characters through clonal selection %U https://bioinfopublication.org/viewhtml.php?artid=BIA0004649