%0 Journal Article %T NECROTIZING FASCIITIS OF LOWER LIMB BY Corynebacterium striatum IN A HBsAG POSITIVE PATIENT %A GANDHAM N.R. %A GOOPTU S. %A JADHAV S.V. %A MISRA R.N. %A ROY I. %A SINGH G. %A VYAWAHARE C. %J BioInfo Publication %D 2013 %X Corynebacteria other than C. diphtheriae are increasingly being implicated as pathogens. C. ulcerans, C. urealyticum, C. amycola-tum, C. striatum are some of the species being increasingly identified and implicated as pathogens. C. striatum has been associated with wound infections, respirarory tract infections and foreign body infections. Further it can establish itself as a nosocomial pathogen. We describe a case of Corynebacterium striatum, necrotizing fasciitis in a HBsAg positive patient, with history of trauma. The bacterium was considered etiologically significant as the gram smear from the sample showed numerous gram positive bacilli & culture rendered pure growth of C. stria-tum. The isolate was identified by the Vitek 2C automated ID system from Biomeriux. Patient was treated by the culture-sensitivity report. Fol-lowing which he needed a skin graft. He was discharged with complete recovery. C. striatum is often implicated as pathogen in immunocom-promised and now also in immunocompetent patients %U https://bioinfopublication.org/viewhtml.php?artid=BIA0001697