%0 Journal Article %T Professor Dr. Econ. Sci. Stoyan Denchev Bio-bibliographic review of his publications in and about Proceedings of the Student Scientific Society at the University of Library Science and Information Technologies Contributions dedicated to him %J Journal Publisher %D 2012 %X The publication contains a biographical reference about the Rector of ULSIT Prof. Dr. Econ. Sci. Stoyan Denchev (Part I), elaborated on the basis of the publication: Stoyan Denchev : Primus inter pares. Game- 我 play-phenomenology of the information environment / A. Kumanova, M. Kumanov, N. Vasilev // Cogito[,] ergo sum : Prof. Stoyan Denchev at 60s. Sofia, 2013, p. 98每128. There is a bio-bibliographic list systematized in three parts (Parts II每IV) represented in their initial form in January 2913. Within Parts II每IV the material is arranged in chronological order of the Proceedings of the Student Scientific Society at the University of Library Science and Information Technologies (vols. I-VII) and the succession of the publications including the individual, as well as the collective ones. For Part IV an exception is made with the inclusion of material from the Proceedings of the Student Scientific Society at the University of Library Science and Information Technologies (vols. VIII) presented at the website of ULSIT (www.sno.unibit.bg), as well as from the Vol. IX of the edition still in preparation. Within Part III the material has been presented in alphabetic-chronological order 每 with works in Cyrillic coming first and in Latiu second. The numbering of the list is unified and reflects 67 bibliographic items %U http://journals.uni-vt.bg/izdatel/eng/vol14/iss2/1