%0 Journal Article %T Academician Alexandar Ivanovich Subetto 每 A Philosopher of XX每XXI Centuries (Noospherism. Meta-classification. Qualimetry: Secondary documentary macro description) %J Journal Publisher %D 2014 %X In the three parts of the overview 每 I. Biographical sketches; II. Bibliographical profile; ˋˋˋ. Recent researches (to 1 January 2014). It is carried out a macro secondary documentary survey of more than 1000 publications of the philosopher-encyclopedist from which 280 are monographs from 1970 to 2013. Are emphasized the main trends in his work 每 noospherism, metaclassification, qualimetry. Are pointed out the essential ideas of the scientist in his monograph Noosfernoe smyslovedenie (2012) %K academician Alexandar Ivanovich Subetto 每 biographical sketches 每 bibliographical profile 每 recent researches (2012每2013) 每 noospherism 每 metaclassification 每 qualimetry %U http://journals.uni-vt.bg/izdatel/eng/vol16/iss1/5