%0 Journal Article %T Academician Arkadiy Valilievich Sokolov 每 Panorama of the Balance-Sheet (Publications, dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the scientist-encyclopedist: hypertext database 每 prolegomena and collection of sketches of scientists for personalia) %J Journal Publisher %D 2014 %X Review of the jubilee editions of academ,ician A. V. Sokolov, considered in their dialectical unity: Sokolov, A. V. Retrospective-80 : coll. Sci. studies ; in 3 vols / Ministry of Culture of Russian Federation. Saint Petersburg State University of Culture and Arts ; Sci. Ed. S. A. Basov 每 Saint Petersburg, 2014. Vol. 1: Library-Information School. 每 514 p. Vol. 2: Philosophy of the Information and Sociology of the Information Society. 每 446 p. Vol. 3: Book-learning 每 A Humanistic Protection of the Nation. 每 480 p. Arkadiy Vasilievich Sokolov [:collection of sketches of scientists for personalia] : / Ministry of Culture of Russian Federation. Saint Petersburg State University of Culture and Arts ; Chief Ed. V. P. Leonov ; Ed. Comp. A. S. Krimskaya. 每 Saint Petersburg, 2014. 每 36 p %K Arkadiy Vasilievich Sokolov 每 Retrospective-80 (2014) 每 Arkadiy Vasilievich Sokolov (2014) 每 review %U http://journals.uni-vt.bg/izdatel/eng/vol16/iss2/13