%0 Journal Article %T 1780 ¨C To be Known How Stoyan from Gabrovo Built the Road and the Bridge %J Annual of the Faculty of History of ¡±St. Cyril and St. Methodius¡± University of Veliko Tarnovo %D 2017 %X The inscription carved in the rocks next to the ruins of the ¡°old¡¯ bridge over Veselinariver and the road along its right bank (ca. 2 km away from Kapinovski monastery) dates to 1780 AD and attracts attention with its content. This is a traditional type of a text which relates to a particular activity of a particular person. In our case, the inscription informs about the restoration of the road and bridge which once connected the town of Elena with Tarnovo, attempted by a certain representative of the elite group of wealthy men (so-called ¡°chorbadzii¡±) in Elena. In fact, this is rather important information, since documental evidence for patronage in this period is not very frequent. From this point of view, the builder¡¯s inscription made on the order of Stoyan from Gabrovo in a rock in the so-called Elenski pass, a busy communication in the 18th ¨C 19th c. in the hinterland of Tarnovo, is important as a historical source not only for the region, but also for everyday life in the Bulgarian lands in the last centuries of the Ottoman domination %K rock inscription %K chorbadziya (Bulgarian wealthy man in the 18th ¨C 19th c.) %K patron %K bridge. %U http://journals.uni-vt.bg/fhyb/eng/vol1/iss1/23