%0 Journal Article %T The Post-Truth Era: Algorithms, Emotions, Power %A Iliana %A Pavlova %J 21st Century Media and Communications %D 2018 %X The paper aims to examine post-truth, considering its theoretical aspects and following the communication grounds for its appearance. The paper suggests that the Post-truth Era is a result of algorithmically managed social interactions and the automation of communication. The Internet of Things, the ubiquitous media presence and the algorithmic power transform £¿The Age of Mechanical Reproduction¡± (Walter Benjamin) into £¿a Posttruth Era¡±. In the digital world of the 21st century ¨C a world completely fragmented into data and market segments, the media technologies not only reproduce and re-create reality, but also take the next step and create an entirely new reality. Based on the critical survey of various articles and theoretical approaches the paper identifies the problematic areas that could engender a future discussion, and draw attention to post-truth as a problem and its relevance to the modern world %K Post-truth Era^ algorithmic power^ personal opinion^ filter bubble^ echo chamber. %U http://journals.uni-vt.bg/mc/eng/vol2/iss1/2