%0 Journal Article %T Diseases in the Bulgarian lands in the Middle Ages (According to data from VII¨CIX cc.) %J Bulgaria, the Bulgarians and Europe - Myth, History, Modernity %D 2017 %X The article presents the diseases which are known to the medieval society from the establishment of the Bulgarian state until 13th century. Their categorization is made on the basis of the notions and the effect on the medieval man. Historical, archaeological and anthropological data has been used in order to present them. The results from the three aspects used in the article give the fullest and the most authentic information on the subject. The healing methods are also presented, based on historical sources. Based on the analyzed materials, we can make conclusions about how the medieval man perceived diseases, which of them are the most co mmon and the methods of treatment %K Middle Ages^ medieval society^ diseases^ healing methods^ Bulgarian lands %U http://journals.uni-vt.bg/bb/eng/vol11/iss1/5