%0 Journal Article %T 孜忘技我抖扶我找快 我技快扶忘 扶忘 忌抓抖忍忘把我找快 每 抉找把忘忪快扶我快 扶忘 我扼找抉把我攸找忘 扶忘 快戒我抗忘 我 忪我志抉找忘 扶忘 扶忘把抉忱忘 扶我 %J State and Problems of Bulgarian Onomastics %D 2016 %X This work aims to prove that the family names reflect the history of the Bulgarian language and history of the people. By etymological and semantic analysis of the families are found dialects that are hidden in their basis, meaning household items, clothing, professions that have disappeared from the daily life of Bulgarians and are evidence of past eras. Bulgarian names of foreign origin testify to the life of Bulgarians among other nation %K family names^ etymology^ semantics^ dialect words^ nickname^ byname^ foreign origin^ Bulgarian^ Turkish^ Greek^ Romanian language %U http://journals.uni-vt.bg/onom/eng/vol14/iss1/3