%0 Journal Article %T 妝忘志快投忘扶我快找抉 扶忘 找抓把忍抉志快扯忘 扶忘 技快忌快抖我 我 扭把抉忱批抗找我找快 扼抓扼 扼找把忘扶扶我 我技快扶忘 %A Dobreva %A Tsveta %J State and Problems of Bulgarian Onomastics %D 2018 %X One of the main functions of the names is to create an identity, to make a differentiation and to give a sense of uniqueness. A similar impulse makes the founder of the company Ikea, Ingvar Kamprad, to name each of his products mainly with Swedish names. For this reason the variety of product names in Ikea cannot be considered outside the ※Ikea concept§. To understand the answers to the questions Why the products have names? What is the principle of their choice? How often do they change? the reader should get acquainted with the philosophy of the company presented in nine points in the will of its founder. This article is a part of the thesis ※The Product Names of Ikea 每 A Tradition in Development, Onomastic Research. %K product name^ concept %U http://journals.uni-vt.bg/onom/eng/vol15/iss1/29