%0 Journal Article %T Tumor cell-free DNA detection in CSF for primary CNS lymphoma diagnosis %A A. Debliquis %A B. Dr¨¦nou %A E. Pencreach %A F. Lamy %A G. Ahle %A I. Alamome %A I. Harzallah %A J. Voirin %A L. Zalma£¿ %A N. Zinniger %A R. Hurstel %A V. Rimelen %J Archive of "Acta Neuropathologica Communications". %D 2019 %R 10.1186/s40478-019-0692-8 %X MYD88 L265P quantification by ddPCR. Technical workflow for the CSF analysis and 2D ddPCR diagram of the fluorescence amplitude. Lower left quadrant contains the droplets with no MYD88 alleles; upper left contains droplets with MYD88L265P cfDNA; upper right contains droplets with both wild-type and mutant alleles; lower right contains droplets with MYD88 wild-type DNA. ddPCR results table for cell and cell-free CSF and brain biopsy, comparison with cytology and FCM. NA, not available; ND, not determined; NI, not interpretabl %U https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6421652/