%0 Journal Article %T Pollen/Fruit Syndrome: Clinical Relevance of the Cypress Pollen Allergenic Gibberellin-Regulated Protein %A Denis-Andr¨Ś Charpin %A H¨Śl¨¨ne S¨Śn¨Śchal %A Inna Mercier %A Jean-Marc Busnel %A Marie-Ange Selva %A Nhan Pham-Thi %A Pascal Poncet %A Rihane Arif %A R¨Śmy Couderc %A Sanaz Keykhosravi %A Tomoyasu Aizawa %A Youcef Shahali %J Archive of "Allergy, Asthma & Immunology Research". %D 2019 %R 10.4168/aair.2019.11.1.143 %X A pollen/food-associated syndrome (PFAS) has been described between peach and cypress pollen. Cross-reactive allergens were characterized which belong to the Gibberellin-regulated protein (GRP) family, BP14 in cypress pollen and Pru p 7 in peach. GRP are small cationic protein with anti-microbial properties. A patient suffering from a peach/cypress syndrome was explored clinically and biologically using 2 types of immunoglobulin E (IgE) multiarray microchip, immunoblots and a basophil activation test to assess the clinical relevance of various extracts and purified allergens from fruits or cypress pollen. In addition to PR10 sensitization, the patient showed specific IgE to Pru p 7, BP14 and allergen from pomegranate. These last 3 allergens and allergenic sources are able to induce ex vivo basophil activation characterized by the monitoring of the expression of CD63 and CD203c, both cell surface markers correlated with a basophil mediator release. Up to 100% of cells expressed CD203c at 50 ng/mL of BP14 protein. In contrast, snakin-1, a GRP from potato sharing 82% sequence identity with Pru p 7 did not activate patient's basophils. These results strongly suggest that, like Pru p 7, BP14 is a clinically relevant allergenic GRP from pollen. Allergen members of this newly described protein family are good candidates for PFAS where no cross-reactive allergens have been characterized %K Cypress %K pollen %K peach %K pomegranate %K allergen %K basophil %U https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6267187/