%0 Journal Article %T Lunching for Relaxation or Cognitive Control? After-Effects of Social and Solitary Meals %A Annekathrin Schacht %A Birgit Stš¹rmer %A Guang Ouyang %A Manuel Martšªn-Loeches %A Marina Palazova %A Philip Rausch %A Werner Sommer %J Archive of "Advances in Cognitive Psychology". %D 2018 %R 10.5709/acp-0234-3 %X Meals, especially when taken in company, may affect the diner¡¯s mood. In line with findings that mood may alter cognitive control, a previous study by the authors found that after solitary meals, the Simon effect was diminished as compared to a premeal condition, whereas a social meal did not reduce the Simon effect. Here, we investigated whether this finding generalizes across different demands in cognitive control and, therefore, applied a flanker task. Obtained questionnaire data indicated differential effects in mood and relaxation of a social as compared to a solitary meal. Replicating our previous findings, the flanker compatibility effect decreased after a solitary meal but increased after a social meal. The present results support our previous findings with new evidence that a meal taken in a social context attenuates subsequent cognitive control processes compared with a solitary meal %K meal %K positive mood %K cognitive control %U https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6104683/