%0 Journal Article %T My Command, My Act: Observation Inflation in Face-To-Face Interactions %A Isabel Lindner %A Katharina A. Schwarz %A Robert Wirth %A Roland Pfister %J Archive of "Advances in Cognitive Psychology". %D 2017 %R 10.5709/acp-0217-8 %X When observing another agent performing simple actions, these actions are systematically remembered as one¡¯s own after a brief period of time. Such observation inflation has been documented as a robust phenomenon in studies in which participants passively observed videotaped actions. Whether observation inflation also holds for direct, face-to-face interactions is an open question that we addressed in two experiments. In Experiment 1, participants commanded the experimenter to carry out certain actions, and they indeed reported false memories of self-performance in a later memory test. The effect size of this inflation effect was similar to passive observation as confirmed by Experiment 2. These findings suggest that observation inflation might affect action memory in a broad range of real-world interactions %K memory bias %K action observation %K observation inflation %K motor simulation %U https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5506749/