%0 Journal Article %T Perceived stigma among non-professional caregivers of people with severe mental illness, Bahir Dar, northwest Ethiopia %A Andargie Abate %A Biksegn Asrat %A Temesgen Ergetie %A Wubit Demeke %A Zegeye Yohanes %J Archive of "Annals of General Psychiatry". %D 2018 %R 10.1186/s12991-018-0212-4 %X Socio-demographic characteristics of caregivers at Felege-Hiwot Referral Hospital, Bahir Dar, northwest Ethiopia, July, 2016 (n£¿=£¿478 %K Caregivers %K Perceived stigma %K Severe mental illness %U https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6174560/