%0 Journal Article %T Ferric Gluconate Complex in Elderly Hospital Inpatients without Terminal Kidney Failure %A Judith Latour %A Patrick Viet-Quoc Nguyen %J Archive of "The Canadian Journal of Hospital Pharmacy". %D 2018 %X Anemia is a common health issue for elderly patients. For patients with iron deficiency who cannot tolerate iron supplementation by the oral route, the parenteral route may be used. Options for parenteral iron supplementation include ferric gluconate complex (FGC) %K elderly %K iron %K iron-deficiency anemia %K hospital pharmacy service patients ag¨¦s %K fer %K an¨¦mie ferriprive %K service de pharmacie en ¨¦tablissement de sant¨¦ %U https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6019086/