%0 Journal Article %T Medical urologists¡­no longer an oxymoron %A Richard Casey %J Archive of "Canadian Urological Association Journal". %D 2019 %R 10.5489/cuaj.5820 %X The bulk of what community urologists see could be called ¡°medical urology.¡± We work through large numbers of patients each week ¡ª a week punctuated with stones, retention, and hematuria calls from our local hospital¡¯s emergency room. We have surgical interests as well and they eventually define our practice. My partner is a stone guy, another department member loves lap kidneys, and I actually like male incontinence. It is difficult for me to justify a broad range of surgical skills when my colleagues can do a better job. This applies to advanced surgical skills only, as you can only be so skilled at circumcisions, vasectomies, and hydroceles. There is good published data that suggests that high-volume surgeons have superior outcomes. This does not mean that low-volume guys don¡¯t as well ¡ª well, some don¡¯t and we know that empirically %U https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6363572/