%0 Journal Article %T The Advanced Pharmacist Practitioner: A New Series in the Canadian Journal of Hospital Pharmacy %A Stephen Shalansky %J Archive of "The Canadian Journal of Hospital Pharmacy". %D 2019 %X Given the success of 2 previously published series in the Canadian Journal of Hospital Pharmacy (CJHP)¡ªon research methodology and international pharmacy practice¡ªthe Journal¡¯s Editorial Board began collecting ideas for a new series of articles based on a common theme thought to be of particular interest to hospital pharmacists. An online survey of CJHP readers, carried out in 2017, revealed a strong interest in the concept of the ¡°advanced pharmacist practitioner¡±. The Editorial Board therefore selected this broad topic as the theme for the new series. Those responding to the survey suggested that there are many examples of established advanced pharmacist practices, as well as emerging roles with progressive approaches that are moving the profession forward in innovative and exciting ways. The new series will feature examples of cutting-edge pharmacy practice in various settings, teaching models, research, initiatives undertaken by pharmacy professional societies, and other concepts highlighting new directions in hospital pharmacist practice. We, the members of CJHP¡¯s Editorial Board, hope that these articles will stimulate ideas for hospital pharmacists across Canada and beyond, to advance the profession and improve patient care %U https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6391237/