%0 Journal Article %T Prior influenza vaccination effects on vaccine effectiveness: a point of consideration for health care workers %A Justin Sorge %J Archive of "Canadian Journal of Respiratory Therapy: CJRT = Revue Canadienne de la Th¨¦rapie Respiratoire : RCTR". %D 2018 %X This quarter¡¯s issue of the Canadian Journal of Respiratory Therapy is a dedicated special issue to primary care in respiratory care. For this issue we have curated a rich variety of research articles and commentary concerning primary care in Canada and globally. The Canadian Medical Association describes primary care as ¡°consist(ing) of first-contact assessment of a patient and the provision of continuing care for a wide range of health concerns. The scope of primary care includes the diagnosis, treatment and management of health problems; prevention and health promotion; and ongoing support, with family and community intervention where needed¡± [1]. Increasingly, the importance of primary care, in terms of quality of life improvements and cost-effectiveness, has been noted by all health professions. And respiratory therapists and other respiratory care practitioners are no exception %U https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6516136/