%0 Journal Article %T Comparative effectiveness of radiotherapy for earlyİ\stage hormone receptorİ\positive breast cancer in elderly women using realİ\world data %A Alberto J. Montero %A Anastasia Semykina %A Askal A. Ali %A Ellen Campbell %A Hong Xiao %A Muluberhan Mogos %A Rima Tawk %A Vakaramoko Diaby %J Archive of "Cancer Medicine". %D 2019 %R 10.1002/cam4.1904 %X Radiotherapy is the recommended treatment after breastİ\conserving surgery (BCS) for earlyİ\stage breast cancer (BC). However, there is no clear evidence whether radiotherapy after BCS improves the survival of elderly women diagnosed with earlyİ\stage hormone receptorİ\positive (HR+) BC. The aim of this study was to investigate the survival benefit associated with radiotherapy plus hormonal therapy vs hormonal therapy alone after BCS for earlyİ\stage HR+ BC patients %K comparative effectiveness %K earlyİ\stage hormon receptor positive breast cancer %K elderly women %K radiotherapy %K realİ\world data %U https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6346228/