%0 Journal Article %T Systemic Blockade of the CB1 Receptor Augments Hippocampal Gene Expression Involved in Synaptic Plasticity but Perturbs Hippocampus-Dependent Learning Task %A Allyn C. Howlett %A Anushka V. Goonawardena %A John Sesay %A Kofi-Kermit A. Horton %A Robert E. Hampson %J Archive of "Cannabis and Cannabinoid Research". %D 2019 %R 10.1089/can.2018.0061 %X Chronic and acute agonism as well as acute antagonism of CB1 receptors reveal modulation of learning and memory during stable performance of a delayed-nonmatch-to-sample (DNMS) memory task. However, it remains unclear how chronic blockade of the CB1 receptor alters acquisition of the behavioral task. We examined the effects of chronic rimonabant exposure during DNMS task acquisition to determine if blockade of the CB1 receptor with the antagonist rimonabant enhanced acquisition of operant task. Long-Evans rats, trained in the DNMS task before imposition of the trial delay, were surgically implanted with osmotic mini pumps to administer rimonabant (1.0£¿mg/kg/day) or vehicle (dimethyl sulfoxide/Tween-80/Saline). Following surgical recovery, DNMS training was resumed with the imposition of gradually longer delays (1¨C30£¿sec). The number of days required to achieve stable performance with either increasing length of delay or reversal of task contingency was compared between vehicle and rimonabant-treated rats. Following the completion of DNMS training, animals were euthanized, and both hippocampi were harvested for gene expression assay analysis. Rimonabant treatment animals required more time to achieve stable DNMS performance than vehicle-treated controls. Quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction analysis revealed that the expressions of alpha-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionic acid receptor subunit, brain-derived neurotrophic factor, and synapsin 1 (Syn1) were significantly increased. These results are consistent with rimonabant increasing mRNAs for proteins associated with hippocampal synapse remodeling, but that those alterations did not necessarily accelerate the acquisition of an operant behavioral task that required learning new contingencies %K brain-derived neurotrophic factor %K delayed-nonmatch-to-sample %K gene expression %K hippocampus %K memory %K rimonabant %U https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6484354/