%0 Journal Article %T vWDI is inherited in an autosomal dominant manner with incomplete penetrance, in the Kromfohrl£¿nder breed %A Anja M. Geretschlaeger %A Jana-Marie Seidel %A Julia H. Segert %A Walter J. Wurzer %J Archive of "Canine Genetics and Epidemiology". %D 2019 %R 10.1186/s40575-019-0073-4 %X Purebred Kromfohrl£¿nder. Kromfohrl£¿nder come in two different coat types, smooth haired, with a smooth face, no beard and long soft hair, while the wirehaired Kromfohrl£¿nder have a beard. A smooth haired Kromfohrl£¿nder is shown in a and a wirehaired representative in %K Von Willebrand disease %K Von Willebrand factor %K Genetic disorder %K Genetic testing %K Kromfohrl£¿nder %U https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6521421/