%0 Journal Article %T Good glycemic control of gestational diabetes mellitus is associated with the attenuation of future maternal cardiovascular risk: a retrospective cohort study %A Avraham Ishay %A Basma Sliman %A Enav Yefet %A Naama Schwartz %A Zohar Nachum %J Archive of "Cardiovascular Diabetology". %D 2019 %R 10.1186/s12933-019-0881-6 %X The ROC curve for the predictive probability of type 2 diabetes mellitus by mean daily glucose value according to the daily glucose charts of women with gestational diabetes mellitus. The ROC curve was statistically significant (AUC with 95% CI 62% [56¨C67%], p£¿<£¿0.0001). AUC area under the curve, CI confidence interval, ROC receiver operating characteristi %K Gestational diabetes mellitus %K Pregnancy %K Glycemic control %K Type 2 diabetes mellitus %K Hypertension %K Obesity %K Dyslipidemia %K Metabolic syndrome %U https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6549350/